Meet the team.


Lead Professional Organiser

The creator and founder of dot. and the ultimate female boss, our lead Professional Organiser Katie has organising running through her veins.

Passionate about creating beautiful spaces that work for every individual, her skills and drive are the foundations of everything dot. stands for. With the gifts of empathy, organisation and style, Katie is at the forefront of instrumental change in the way people sort their spaces.


Deputy Professional Organiser

The ultimate model of being able to master the art of multi-tasking whilst making it look easy, Rachael heads up our base in the north.

As a busy mum of three (including twins!) She has a knack of being able to create savvy, maintainable solutions, that work perfectly for each client and their space. A central part of Team dot. who brings warmth and an extra sprinkling of joy to every job, Rachael is our angel of the North.


Professional Organiser & Strategic Lead

The visualiser and problem solver who is fiercely driven and executes strategies efficiently and successfully, Nichola ensures each clog within the great ‘dot. machine’ is working perfectly.

Whether organising wardrobes or sorting items to sell, she demonstrates all elements required to be an outstanding organiser. Ensuring all new and existing clients continually receive the best of our services, Nichola is a key member of Team dot.


Professional Organiser

With a keen eye and talent for highlighting your spaces with the perfect aesthetic strategies, Taquira is a natural born organiser.

Whether organising, decluttering, offering storage advice or all three combined, she truly has masted the art of transforming every space she organises. An empath who creates key connections with clients to truly support the whole process, Taquira is a vital member of Team dot.


Professional Organiser

One of the original members of Team dot. who is simply indispensable, Syrena has always attracted attention for her efficiency and skill set when organising clients spaces.

Marrying her strategic planning with strategic support, she is always future-oriented and is an invaluable member of Team dot. An intrinsic piece of the Team dot. puzzle, Syrena is committed to transforming every space for every client.


Sort & Sell Lead

Naturally organised and able to bring structure to any space, Sophie uses her plethora of innovative and logical skills to arrange everything into maintainable systems that work for the individual.

The Queen of our ‘Sort & Sell’ service, she not only declutters your wardrobes, but also helps you make money on your pre loved items. Although still relatively new to the team, Sophie is already an integral part of the fabric that makes up our incredible team of organisers.


Assistant Organiser

With a flair for creativity which lends itself perfectly to form calm and peaceful spaces, Charlotte can reduce your physical clutter and change your perspective simultaneously.

Bringing a mindful approach to each part of the process, her infectious personality shines through in everything she does. One of the newest members to the team, Charlotte brings a refreshing new element to Team dot.


Storage & Planning Lead

The queen of folding who has an eye for finding the perfect storage solution for every space, Vivienne has a natural flair for all things organising.

With expeditious decision-making skills and a keen work ethic, she is an indispensable member of team dot. Providing empathy, sincerity and a genuine interest in each client’s needs before and during every job, Vivienne is at the core of all client communications.


Social Media Lead

Our social media powerhouse and ultimate content creator whose ideas and creativity are incomparable, Ruby is the queen of our social network and online presence.

Dedicated to developing and producing engaging content across all of our online platforms, she captures everything the Team dot. creates for our clients and showcases it for all to see. Consistently engaging with our online community, Ruby is a crucial piece of the dot. puzzle.

Accreditations & Information.


Our Lead Professional Organiser and the founder of dot. is a member of the Association of Professional Declutterers & Organisers (APDO).

 APDO’s Professional Organisers can be found worldwide and are the UK’s association for the decluttering and organising industry. 

Professional Organiser Accreditation.

Our Lead Professional Organiser and founder of dot. gained her official ‘CPD Certification Service’ Professional Organiser accreditation in 2022.

After training with Dilly Carter (BBC’s ‘Sort Your Life Out’) she then went on to create and build dot. Professional Organisers.


Decant.Organise.Time is a Limited Company, registered with The Information Commissioners Office (ICO).

The ICO is the UK's independent body set up to uphold information rights and protect Companies and their Clients Data Protection Rights.


All members of Team dot. have full criminal record checks with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).

These checks are available for all individuals and employers living within the UK.

Companies House.

Decant.Organise.Time is a Limited Company, established in 2022.

Companies House is a government body that stores information on all limited companies and limited liability partnerships registered in the UK.