The Folding Club - LIVE

Learn how to fold like a Professional Organiser from the comfort of your own home at one of our exclusive LIVE events, led by the incredible organisers from Team dot.

With easy to follow folding tutorials, a host of organising tips and plenty of organisation advice led by members of our team of Professional Organisers, organising has never looked like this before

Fold along with the team whilst gaining the skills behind some of dot’s most desirable folds. Each live event is as interactive as you choose to make it; ask questions, share your folding outcomes or simply make this a club where everyone no one knows your name…

It’s organising, made exclusive….

S U N D A Y 29th O C T O B E R 6.00pm

S U N D A Y 10th D E C E M B E R 6.00pm

S U N D A Y 17th M A R C H 6.00pm

S U N D A Y 26th M A Y 6.00pm

folding club.